Tuesday, January 18, 2011

About me

Well, I guess I should probably do an about me post. Weird that I haven't really noticed that I've been missing one (at least a short intro). I guess this will be a mere skeleton of who I am. This will probably give you guys an outline of who I am. Nutshell post. More specifics later for those who still remain interested.

  • I'm Anthony. Not my real name due to obvious privacy reasons. 
    • I'm obviously a male, haha. 
    • Asian-Caucasian mix.  
    • I grew up without having a father in my life. My mom was absent for the most part of my life until my high school years
    • two younger half-sisters.
      • Kristina - 3 years old
      • Jennifer is 9.
  • currently living in metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia.
    • raised in SoCal (Southern California) but moved here during my first year of high school. Big change, all for the better though.
      • What moving has done for me: allowed me to find my identity and allowed myself to gain independence.
      • What I mean by finding my identity? Well.. basically my sexuality. 
        • I'm gay.
          • I'm not out to my family, but I am out to my friends. I think it was Oct. 2008 that I finally fully accepted who I am, with the support of my best friends one of which is no longer "my best friend."
          • I do plan on coming out to my family in the future. They are not like hardcore religious. In fact, we don't even attend religious services that often. 
            • We are "Buddhist." But I am undecided on religion.  
          • I'll keep the "gay" part of me quiet until I know that I can support myself out there in this world. Better to be safe than to be sorry.
          • I don't fit the stereotypes nor do I feel the need to. Each person has different qualities that make up who they are. There are no guidelines for being yourself.
  • Relationships
    • I only had one. Really intense relationship and short relationship. 1 month and 3 weeks. Intense as in, everything was there. Although there wasn't a true balance - that could of easily been fixed if communication was better. It makes sense why I started to feel distant from him, because he was trying to pull away. I probably started feeling a little bit distant around month 1. He started to pull away when he found out something about his health that would hinder my efforts in being happy. We just recently "broke up" due to some uncontrollable reasons involving his health. Genuine man. We are currently not talking. I don't know what is in store for the future for both of us, but I am just going with the flow now. 
    • I'm humble at first, takes me a while to 'open up'. Most of my friends are girls, and it feels like I'm more comfortable around them than guys. Reason being: Girls are more easier to talk to for me. It's weird because I've always been surrounded by girls when I was younger. School too. I would rarely be around the guys, there was a case in 4th grade where I tried to fit in with the guys - but I spent the majority of the time in recess with the girls. Interesting right? 
  • My reason for being here...
    • Like a journal, I thought it would be more organized to write out my thoughts on a blog. Yeah, I know I could keep a journal for that. I tried keeping a personal journal but it got tiresome to constantly write down and let alone keep up with the constant pace of my thoughts.
  • Interests/hobbies
    • On my down time, I like to draw. I'm not an artist, but drawing is one of those activities that lets my mind wander off. It is something that I enjoy doing because it calms me down. I like reading also so if you know of any books just comment below. I'm not really genre specific.
    • I don't watch a lot of t.v. When I do watch tv, it's usually the news or something on the National Geographic/Sci/food channel or sometimes cartoons with my sisters. I think my sister, Jennifer is a Disney channel person so I happen to be around whenever she's watching like.. Wizards of Waverly Place/Fish hooks. She likes Nick too so I basically seen all the Spongebob episodes out there 'cause of her, haha.
    • I enjoy cooking.  
    • Nursing major
    • I didn't play any sports in high school. I was basically that humble kid with AP/honors classes. I'm not really athletic, but I'm not out of shape either. I have a fast metabolism, slim, 5"7-ish. I plan on starting a workout plan really soon as soon as I can grab a hold of a gym membership. I'm applying to several places in hopes to get hired so I can have some extra funds. It's true that college students are broke because I know I am.
    • I played WoW which was basically my addiction back in the days. Now = I quit. I'm better off spending that 15$ monthly membership fee on food or something :P.
  • Misc info
      • I'm fairly an optimistic person because of my past. I had constant struggles with my family and my sexuality in the past. I couldn't accept who I was and hid it. But you know what, I know this is who I am. I am me. The past doesn't DEFINE my present or future. Rather, it paved the way for who I am today. My heart was recently broken for the first time. For those that have experienced heartbreak, you know the wrenching emotional pain. I was a zombie for weeks, but now I am stepping into the light. I am coming out as a better person. It hasn't been a smooth road for me, but that's life. It's not always going to be sunshine, but you can only learn how to appreciate the sunshine if you experience the storm. 
      • Long ago, in my Junior high years, I remember a classmate asking my teacher(something along these lines) "It would be great to live in Hawaii all the time. That's paradise. Sunshine and warm weather all the time.", my teacher responded: "Well.. not really. I wouldn't want to live in Hawaii all the time, because you won't appreciate the natural beauty if you're with it all the time."
      • Simple question, yet it applies to life as well. There are many tourist destinations in the world. Disneyland, in California is an example. I lived near Disneyland at one point of my life, and each night there would be a display of fireworks in the sky at precisely 9 pm, everyday. When I first moved there I thought it was pretty cool to be living near one of the main attractions in California. I mean how awesome is it to see tourists walking around all the time? What about hearing fireworks and seeing them in the sky everyday? Well, after awhile I couldn't appreciate it anymore because it was ALWAYS around. I lived with it. After constant nights of hearing the loud bangs, I finally came to the conclusion that it was ANNOYING to hear those booms and bangs. Now that I moved across the country, I miss it. 
        • Ever heard of this line? You don't know what you have until it's gone.. Yep. I'd love to go back to California. The closest thing to California is Florida, which is one state below me. Spring break anyone? :)
          • Yeah I tend to go off topic sometimes. My writing will be somewhat unorganized. I just write whatever is on my mind at that moment and that's that.

        1 comment:

        1. Wow, we do have a lot in common! haha. Nice to meet you, Anthony.
