Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Skype with Linda

Amazing conversations. Our conversations are always so chill yet very down to earth and stuff that you wouldn't talk to about with a normal "friend." She's one of my closest closest closest closest friends that I have. We have known each other since 4th grade and I cannot believe that we are still talking right now. We are both in college and are talking! She's shocked too, but that just proves that there are lifelong friendships out there. That's like a 6 year friendship right there and still ongoing today. Even though we had some time where we were not communicating, we found our way back through Myspace. Remember Myspace? I remember everyone in my junior high years had one. It was like the hype of the day. Myspace bulletins with surveys and editing profiles. Seems like everyone migrated to Facebook haha. It's different now. But yeah, I just got done talking to her an hour or two ago through Sykpe. Amazing how time flies. She has such a positive view on life and I admire her. Her Ray of light shines on me whenever I talk to her. You don't find people like that often. I know that her and I will continue to remain friends for life and I'm pretty sure we'll be at each others weddings (She even thinks so too, haha).

I have classes in two hours and I have not gotten sleep. I don't feel tired at all, but I'm starting to crash a little. This is the first time classes will start since the snow storm that shut down ATL for a week. I'm soo ready to go back but I'm exhausted right now.

Still going through some pain involving the break up between TP and I, but I finally found the strength to block him and any mutual friends that did no good being on my "Facebook" friends "list." Funny because one of his close friends, considered to be his "mom" (Facebook family, they see each other like mother-son.) added me on Facebook earlier this week. He has access to her page which I am sure of because he posts statuses and comments on other friends from her page. He admits it even on a status. He posted a status from her page the same night I got the add request. I'm pretty sure it was him that added me. For what reason, I don't know. I accepted it and see if his close friend would say anything - I thought she was gonna do something like send me a message  (being that she helped me in the beginning and gave me advice on what to do with him but went cold turkey afterwards). But she didn't. I'm not gonna have him or anyone from his life interfere with mine anymore. I honestly don't think that he deserves any right to be in my life because he told me to move on. I am only doing what he told me. Grabbin my losses and moving on like there's no tomorrow. He knows where to find me if he ever wants a relationship with me. I'm pretty sure blocking him and Facebook would not stop him from reaching me. He knows my number, email, and where I live. New look on my blog because I think it's time for a breath of fresh air.

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