Monday, January 31, 2011


Positivity brings you so far. I never imagined that I would feel so strong. I feel like the break up between him and I changed my whole life, as I am appreciating things I have never done before. I have a test and presentation in a couple hours, but I will finish this post when I can.

The next couple of weeks are going to be busy as I am getting myself involved. And putting myself out there. It's time to step out of my comfort zone and network, and establish connections. Other than having a couple friends in my classes, I haven't really found a circle of friends to hang out with. You know how we all have our school friends, and then our other friends where you actually chill and do stuff outside of school with? Yeah. I tried inviting my friends to go do something but none of them bother really take a initiative. I guess I'm gonna have to try to start at the clubs at my school. I'm only in three clubs: student government association, asian student association, and the gay straight alliance. I've only been to the meetings for all of them a couple times, but stopped going because my schedule changed. And this spring, the majority of the club meetings are at noon and I have class then. I guess instead of sitting around I can email the President and ask on the upcoming events for each club, yeah? That way, my college experience could be more memorable. They always say that college should be the best years of your life, and so far my experience is dull. Time for a change, really. 

I also decided that I will be working part time to help out in regards to financial stuff for my mom. My mom suggested that I work at her nail salon on weekends so that's that. She told me to go paint my own nails for practice and she gave me some instructions so I'm currently practicing on my own nails right now. That's not something I would want to admit to anyone haha. On top of that, I've applied to several Starbucks as a Barista so I'm waiting to hear back from them. I'm in the process of applying to other places also just in case Starbucks doesn't pull through. A caramel frap sounds awesome right now. Mmmmmm..

Edit @ 11 am: I am in the library right now on the second floor. The music appreciation test that I had today was really easy, which I shouldn't get used to because my professor told us that the first test he made "easy." The first two units are just terms and definitions. I asked him about how the tests were gonna be the whole year and one good thing is that he only does multiple choice combined with true/false tests. My professor is outrageously monotone-y and that class bores me. Music appreciation class is probably one of the worst and boring classes I have taken thus far, but I guess your experience depends on how well your professor is. 

I did not sleep at all last night. It's the first time in a long time I pulled an all nighter. I'm really exhausted right now. I think I'm starting to get sick also. Nothing that serious, just a sore throat, not to mention itchy also. And a cough, along with runny nose. Looks like this might be a flu or something because my mom's boyfriend was sick last week and stayed home ALL week. He's fine this week but it looks like I might of caught his germs. My bed is definitely calling for me. I have one more class that begins at 12 so I'm just trying to kill time. I'm sitting at a different spot from where I usually sit.

 Edit @ 2/2/11 12:23 AM: Well it turns out that my laptop battery decided to die on me while I was blogging. I forgot to bring my laptop charger but that explains the sudden topic change. Mmm well I'm getting better in terms of this sickness I got. I ate lots of fruits and I also took Nyquil last night. I learned in psychology that most of the cold medicines out there are phony. It's a multimillion dollar industry and as we all know, colds are usually caused by a virus. And there's no medicine out there to get rid of viruses that cause the common cold. The cough drops are also phony. They're just placebos. Interesting discussion, because I was reminded that Nyquil makes you sleepy, and someone in class mentioned something about cough medicine and Nyquil. My professor says that Nyquil has a low percentage of alcohol in it that makes you sleepy/drowzy and that's the reason why you "knock out." Knocking out = sleep. Sleep = immune system kicks in and you feel better the next morning. There's medicines out there for the symptoms of cold, but there's no true medicine that gets rid of the virus itself. It makes sense.

I gotta get to bed now. I have a long day tomorrow because I'll be in the library all day studying. Probably gonna stay there til the afternoon hours. Many tests and quizzes coming up.. I'll try to post tomorrow.


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