Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reasons for joining the AF

News have spread within my family like a wildfire of me joining the military. More specifically, my ENTIRE extended family got involved. I don't really talk to that much - only talk to my grandma every now and then. Not because of any drama, but because the distance and everyone has their own lives. The last time I talked to aunt #1 (the oldest aunt of mine - she's JUST hit her 50's but she looks so young probably because she goes to the gym and takes care of herself well) was last summer. They were all shocked, asking me what happened, I didn't go into details really because they know what kind of person my mom is.
It's weird that I only told my grandpa about my decision to join the military, he's living with me, and he told one of my uncles living in the mid west. I guess that's where things started because he talked to my grandpa about it. This uncle, living in the mid west offered me options saying that I was free to move with him to live to continue my studies while working for him at his businesses that he opened (excellent pay). It sounded like a great option..  Another option was given to live in California suggested by aunt #1 and grandma but it would be hard to have a part time job there because the nail salon businesses there isn't great due to too many of them clustered in big areas. I'll be independent paying for my car expenses and gas, etc. Loans are an option but I'd like to avoid them at all costs. My financial aid is not enough to cover the expenses of school over there - I'll have to take out loans. School out of state is not an option all. I didn't tell them this yet but my decision to join the Air Force is set in stone, they did say to let them know but I said I'll think about it just to relieve them. They're really worried that I would die but I see a future in there for me. It's not like I will be going infantry, I'm not sure if Air Force has that.

Now I'm sitting here asking myself why do I want to join: Honestly, I didn't thoroughly think of my decision because I was such in a bad state with the stuff happening, but now I do need to because for my own benefit and also during the interview with a recruiter (in which I called many times in other cities to see if they're willing to work with my weight issue).  

Why exactly am I joining the Air Force?

One part is that I have no where else to go. Another is that I can't go pursue a nursing degree with my GPA because I already messed up my GPA bad. I can try to get into nursing school but I wouldn't get in, already did my research. I can try another degree like something involving computers, but I would have to take out loans. Loans for my undergraduate years doesn't sound great. I know some college students usually touch loans their junior and senior year of college - not undergraduate. I'm not doing it for the money because people don't join the military to be rich.

Direction in life. 
Some have told me that this will be the worst decision of my life (they have the image of playing that main character in the movie "Behind enemy lines." Others say it might be the best for the best. I have people supporting me and done the research. I'm going have to experience it myself and if it doesn't work out, I'll know figure out something to do with my life. I'm hoping to make AF a career, getting a bachelors will take some time but I end up in the same place - happiness and stability in career aspects. Not to mention the connections that I will be making.

To be apart of something bigger.
I could join a club or something, but I really think that the AF would be like a family to me that I never had because I grew up on the wrong side. Yeah, I'm not gonna expect them to be like family with open arms, but I never really had a chance to really grow up. There's an old saying that says that when enlistees go into boot camp, no matter what branch it is, "they go in as boys, and come out as men." Reality kicks in, and I know what I'm up against. I know I have growing up to do to appreciate things that I have never once noticed in my day to day life.. eg, freedom. 

Quality of life
AF is the newest branch so the bases are newer, chow halls are better, etc. A base sounds like a mini city because they have all the amenities that you can think of.. involving entertainment and basic living stuff you'll find in the civilian world such as movie theaters, laundry, schools, They actually have a business like environment. I heard stories online that they're really on you about shining your shoes and perfection - it's for a good purpose. When you're pressing the red button to launch a missile, you want to make sure that your calculations are correct so you don't end up making a error because that would be fatal.. Well missiles are fatal in general, but you get the point.

Technical jobs
It's known that the AF is called the "chair force." Physical standards are lower compared to other branches due to the fact that AF rules the skies which requires technical jobs and people of knowledge. I know I'll be able to land something in the technical field, if not the medical field. I have to have a high ASVAB score (like the SAT but you take this test and your score determines what jobs you qualify for). 

A purpose in life.
I was always known as the nice boy, but what am I doing to change the world? Am I just sitting here watching the days go by? No, I want to have a purpose, and that purpose is to be committed to defending my country with the people I love. 

Final reason: to prove that I am now a grown, and independent man who is capable of making my own informed decisions that will lead me to success. I've failed many times in the past, but I won't fail up on my dreams. Let me show my mom and those who doubted me how far I can go, because right now they look at me in disbelief that I will even make it. Watch me.

I'm Anthony, and I'm a future airman. 

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