Sunday, August 15, 2010

First day of college tomorrow.

I managed to do some last minute back to school shopping. I bought a bunch of containers to put my lunch in and also snacks. I labeled my school map so I know where to go, and everything! I also bought a coffee brewer today. I hear college students rely on that stuff. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. My first class is Sociology, and I have 10 hours to kill before my next class.

and so begins a new chapter of my life..



Friday, August 13, 2010

Orientation and my Fall 2010 Schedule

It's been a while since I've wrote here, or so it seems. I went to the health department and had my immunization form filled out by the nurse there. It was a longgg wait because there were rooms filled of people. I think I waited four hours to one single form filled.

I drove up to my college on Tuesday for orientation. It's about a 35 minute drive from where I live. I'm still a beginner on the highway, really. Every now and then I would look in my rear view mirror and see a car tailgating me. That's one of the most annoying things ever. I drive the speed limit on the highway, which is around 65-70. Anyways, that was the last orientation date for Fall 2010, so I made it just in time. Our orientation was held at the gym and I came about 20 minutes before the actual session had begun. I saw lots of students and the parking lot around the gym was PACKED with cars and college students walking!

We received name tags, and picked up folders filled with information about financial aid, BannerWeb, our transguid, and other misc. information. I saw a bunch of seats and just sat anywhere that was closest to the door. The person sitting next to me was a girl, and I didn't get her name. The pronunciation was difficult. I, of course, conversated with her. She was a nursing student graduate from South Carolina who moved down to the Gainesville area where she was offered a nursing job nearby. Not sure which degree she had, but she looked like she was in her 20's. She basically indirectly stated that nursing didn't feel like a "high goal" for her and thinks that she could have more potential in the medical field. Majoring in pre-med, she has got me thinking about where I might end up being. I do not want to be indecisive and change my major mid way.

The program started and it was a bunch of college information and clubs. We were then split up into groups by numbers on our tranguid and I was in the same group as my "new friend" I met. We were given a campus tour, and were headed to the science and engineering building. There, we were instructed to go to a certain room based on our majors. Pre-Nursing was up first and I walked up the long stairs along with other people. When we were all seated, I noticed there were about three males including myself in the room. I guess I'm going to have to get used to this soon with all the estrogen floating in the air. We were instructed to register for classes via BannerWeb and I sat next to an mid 20's looking dude who was in formal attire. Tie, dress shirt, dress shoes, and everything. He told me his situation and it seems like he had majored into something that he didn't end up liking. I sat there for an hour or two tabbing between BannerWeb and I wasn't fully focused but I just registered for whatever was available.

Afterwords, I headed out to the student center for ice cream and sat with other freshmen. I then proceeded to make a barcode to get my student ID with my new friend (I got a name this time, Justin). The funny thing is that with my ID, Justin and I had our name tags on still and it shows on our picture. That's what I call real freshmen. My ID turned out alright, and doesn't look like a mug shot, phew. We then made our way to the room next to the one we were in and filled out applications for a parking pass. We got our parking passes, and walked around campus - touring the buildings we didn't see. We departed our ways after everything and I came home anxious to change my schedule at home - where there are no advisors staring across your shoulders onto the computer monitor.

My schedule is as follows:

Mondays/Wednesday- Sociology 1101 8am-8:50am and Engl 1101 7pm-8:15pm
Tuesdays/Thursday- Psychology 1101 2pm-3:15pm and College Algebra 1111 7pm-8:15pm
Friday- Sociology 1101 8am-8:50am

I guess my schedule is alright. My professors are also cool apparently. I'm a bit worried about my college algebra professor though. Mixed reviews on him. I will be driving up there every day and I'm gonna have to drive on the highway home! That;s gonna be a challenge. I guess in between classes I will be hanging around the library because there is no reason to drive home if I have another class in the evening. Being in a library, I guess that will force me to study.

School starts in 48 hours.

**on the side note- also loving the recent news about the overturn of prop 8.

Monday, August 9, 2010

School and distant grandma

Today was the first day of school for my county. I woke up somewhat earlier than usual because the door bell had rung several times. I did not know who was going to come. I had opened the door, and there was my sister's distant grandma who I have not talked to all summer or even seen for that matter. I did not know what to say to her; I called my mom downstairs so they could have a talk.

She, the grandma is not a very good person at all. She stole money, clothes, jewelry, and anything that she could get her hands on when my mom was living with her. This grandma is J's dad's mother. J and her are related somewhat, but as for me I am distant. In my culture, we have doubles. Double grandma's and grandpa's. I have tried explaining it to several people, but they still do not understand. It is likely that you will not understand either. I will give it a shot though.

When a couple marries, the spouse or husband's parent's become apart of the family. For example, say if I marry someone named 'Melody'. Her parents will become my parents too. If I were to have children with 'Melody' - our kids will have another pair of grandparents. Does that make sense? Probably not. It's all apart of the culture, really.

My sister J resides with her distant grandma. Her grandma brainwashes my sister into thinking that my mom and I are bad people. My sister J, has not called me or seen me since school had ended in May. The same goes with her grandma too. We have no other choice but to leave her with her grandma until the day she decides to come back. My sister J, always has a place at home but there is nobody to watch over her since I will be going to college and everyone else will be working. Did I also mention that she expects my mom to pay for the time being? She even asks her own son (who is J's dad) for money. My mom refuses to pay money. Our reasoning behind this is that nobody forced her to take care of Jennifer. We offer Jennifer a place to stay, but her grandma convinces J to stay with her so she can get more and more money. J's grandma even steals money, repeatedly from her own Catholic church. You shouldn't even show your face at the church's doorsteps if you plan on taking the donations.

My sister is quite stupid for falling for the trap and not realizing where her real home is. She's in 4th grade, but you would say that a little kid at least knows who their own mother is - Jennifer does not because she would be home by now with us!

Her grandma an evil person indeed. She tries to ruin my mom's reputation around town by telling other people that we have abandoned Jennifer. If I could, I would send that lady straight to jail for her acts of nature. It's been about two years since J has stayed home with us. Saaad.

My mom does not communicate with this grandma too. We both dislike her, and hope someday karma will come back and bite her.

Word of advice: Be ready to take on the challenge of raising your own children. No fuss or complaints from Mom. I am pretty sure I could be a great dad if I were to have authority over my own sisters.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Convo about college with extended family

A couple days ago when my grandma was here to visit, I was sitting outside with grandma anxiously watching the transition of the hot-humid summer day into the night. Atlanta aka hot-lanta is known for it's hot summers. It certainly feels like an oven here during the afternoon. As the sky turned pink, I noticed a cool breeze against my skin. The clouds changed colors from dark blue, to a pink, and finally, a gray black.

I was handed the phone to talk to my uncle's and aunts. Oh boy was it a conversation. I didn't expect to be talking to most of my uncles during that time. Turns out, they were worried about me joining the Air force because I had had ideas of joining. I gave up on the idea. They explained; I'll be better off getting a Bachelors Degree in Nursing first.

One of my uncles was reluctant on the idea of becoming a Nurse. Like many other people out there, the question that comes up first is "Why nursing?" This has happened many times. I usually respond with "Why not?"

It is clear that they obviously want me to be happy with my life, but please don't go suggesting different careers like a doctor, pharmacist, or even a surgeon. I am entitled to my own decisions because I run my own life. It's like every time I talk to them, they always seem to be butting in with my decisions. I don't mind though, because I am entitled to my own decisions. I run my own life.

Is it a negative thing to become a nurse, being a male? I think not. Males are allowed to be in the nursing profession too. Many people, when thinking of a Nurse will have an image of a female in white clothing with that hat. I think it's a time for change. It will be a different environment for me in class though. I heard from one of my uncle's girlfriend that her nursing classes had no males.

I want to be a Nurse.

On the side note, I'm quite nervous about orientation on Tuesday. Classes start on August the 16th, but I will be getting my schedule during orientation. I guess it's time to be a freshman all over again!

I still have flashbacks of my first day going into junior high. It was a scary experience because the campus was so huge, and everyone was so different. I have gotten lost many times in my junior high campus, and I'm sure I will have trouble finding my classes on campus in college.

Airport, grandma, placement testing.

I drove on the highway today to the airport, Hartsfield Jackson Airport to be specific. It was about a 40 minute drive from where I live. It was nerve racking due to the massive amount of cars on the road. While I was driving, there was not much conversations going around. Maybe one or two. I dropped off my grandma with my mom's boyfriend at the drop off area and let her go her way. I wanted to come in, but we were short on time and had to go right away. If I went alone, I would have gone in with her to print her plane ticket at the self check in booth.

I'm sad that she has left. I've learned so much about myself that she has told me these past days. I would always hold on to the things she bought me, like food and small gifts. She went to Kroger with me the day before and we bought some croissants, M&M's, waffles, and fruits. The first three are in my room right now and it serves as a reminder of her presence just two hours ago.

I was only able to give her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek :\. The cars behind us were honking because all the parking spots on the curb was full. It's sad to know what she has to go through back at home. She has plans to vacation like all the other elderly people out there, but she can't yet due to financial problems.

I'll be taking her out of country someday. It will be the best.

On the other hand I also drove up to my college to take my placement testing. I was about 1 minute late and I came in just as the proctor was telling instructions. I passed all sections and I do not need remedial classes. I think that's a relief for me to know that. I will be going to orientation next Tuesday.

College is a different environment. It just doesn't have that atmosphere that high school has.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

California Prop 8 over turned!


I was at the mall the other day and I was in a store. I think it was Burlington coat factory. I was just browsing with my grandma (she's leaving this Friday) and I saw a gay couple! It was amazingly cute because they were the first I've seen.

Next thing you know it.. on my phone, I receive a twitter update saying that Prop 8 has been overturned. Ironic isn't it?
