Friday, December 2, 2011

State board examination results!!

HEY guys.

I have WONDERFUL news. I passed my state boards!!!!!!!! It's been a long time since I last posted. I had to wait a grueling 2 weeks to get the results. My life is changing, for the better. I am delightfully excited because with this passing of the boards; I can do nails now to support myself.

Some benefits of this license:
  • I don't have to worry about going hungry when I go off to college or worrying about money.
  • Job security (obviously, not gonna do this for a living) due to the demand for nail tech's in South Dakota
  • High prices to do for services than other states = more $$ = less work to earn a pay check.
  • I do not need anybody to support me now. Since my mom left the picture totally, I'm the first person in the family to be able to know how to make money, eg. not depending on parents like my cousins.
  • My doorway to success = COLLEGE next year 2012!
My uncle whose been supporting me these past months through payments for beauty school, a place to live, to eat, etc. was the first to find out and he called me. He was THRILLED. I called all my family members (aunts, uncles) )to tell them, except for my mom and practically everyone was happy for me. They don't need to worry anymore knowing that I have my life in my hands knowing that I can be fully independent..

Despite the mistake I made during my practical examination, I passed with an 85 on the "hands" part which consisted of doing a manicure, silk wrap, sculptured nail, nail tip, and polish on a mannequin hand. The only mistake I made was that my when I was filing my sculptured nail, the nail completely fell off and hit my face! Bizzare because out of all the times I practiced, that moment when I was testng had to be the most unlucky one! I scored a 95 on the written exam and a 94 on the laws and rules which consisted of 110 questions and 25 questions respectively.

Now, it's time to rock n roll. The nail business may not be the best job out there, but heck, it'll put me through college with some extra money left over. It's better than working at a fast food joint making minimum wage, whereas I earn a commission now!

Did I also mention that I got a pay raise of 10/hr now? I got paid 8/hr before, but now it's 10/hr. My uncle ROCKS. I've been working full time, getting more than 40 hours per week, but out of respect I do not go over 80 hours for two weeks since that's too much of a burden for my uncle to pay me this time of year.

My plan is:
  • Work until Fall semester begins of next year.
    • during that time, around June I will fully be a resident of South Dakota, meaning I can qualify for in state tuition which saves me 5 grand a year in the long run. 
    • I'll also be making moolah. I'm gonna be saving up though for expenses related to college, eg. food, tuition. 
    • I'm not gonna get a car because I can't handle the car payments, insurance, and gas costs. I'll be living on campus, surely I'll make plenty of buddies to car pool with if I need to go anywhere. Might be annoying, but it's better than paying 200/mo + 100/mo for insurance, and another 50 for gas. 
    • How am I gonna be getting to school from where I live to my school? Simple, there's a greyhound bus that runs through my town directly to my university for only 50 bucks! Greyhound FOR THE WIN.
I have time to decide on my major now in between and some studying to do. Currently, my major will be Nursing with a minor in Aerospace studies (air force reserves officer training corps)... save that talk for later. I am DETERMINED!

I'm no longer pissy about going to work now because I look ahead to my goals. "Don't lose sight of your goals," was what one client of mine told me. I will never lose sight of that goal.

Other news.. of my loove life: my ex and I have been talking lately, heck, there's a lot of love there still. We are no longer sad, but enjoying each other's company by webcamming, talking on the phone, etc. The words "friends" was never mentioned. He has admitted to me that I need to come back to Georgia so I can hang with him and have fun with him "like old times." and that he misses me. Absence does make the heart fonder, but I am not jumpin in with my two legs just yet. Life is going too good for any man to bring me down, haha. Taking it one step at a time. We are cool, and I'm glad he's in my life again, as well as he is too. He's single.. I'm single, and that's not gonna change. The best friends make the best lovers. Him and I are friends, with some love there; gonna stay that way for a long time though because we both aren't ready to jump the gun. He's goign through a lot of issues with his health... losing weight, his glow and you know what, I thought to myself; I loved this dude at one point of my life and still do, I can't let him know that I left him for good. I know him better than anyone out there.. he's on multiple meds, for me to disappear from his life would taint his image of what real love is. Meds cause him to lose track of his emotions, and worst of all his best friends are always with their boyfriends.. it's like they forgot about him from what he implied. He's been let down by many people, despite our past, my love for him is like a phoenix. from the ashes from what was, i'll love him with what's left. I got his back, he's got mine.. we indirectly said so during our talks. Love is when you are strong enough to let go, he said it himself and I can say that I've let go already. Our communication is getting better, he's more happier that he can talk to me without the burden of me bringing any lovey dubby stuff up. I love that dude DESPITE all the stuff he put me through; it has made me a better person and a more stronger, person. I learned sooo much about myself, and all the people who cared for me in the time of need; I'd like to thank them so much and that they have my heart right back at em, you know who you are!!

All the prayers helped. I'm thrilled!!!!!!! Hope yall are doing just fine. 

Going to sleep with a big smile on my face; Good night guys!!

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