Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lessons taught by observing and learning

Now playing: Hide and Seek - Imogen heap

I had a wonderful day at work today. I learned so many things, some stories touched me more than others, but I will write about that later. I met an elderly lady living in a small town about 900 people, in between the border of South Dakota and North Dakota. Life has changed by technology as kids are no longer growing up the way "they used to." I met another young lady, whose life was changed drastically by a major head-on-65-mph collision with a van full of kids while heading to a soccer tournament. It only takes a moment to change your whole life; for the better or for the worse. Another lady whose getting married tomorrow on 11/11/11. Love comes when the time is right, and should not be searched for.

Multicolored balloons filled the dining room floor.  It was my aunt-in-law's birthday.

She turned forty today, so I made a joke saying that she's four decades old (which is true!). She still looks like she's young. I believe I should "just go with the flow, and follow your heart and ignore everything else" (something along the lines of what Judee told me). She laughed and then she picked up the phone. It was her sister, wishing her happy birthday.

Sparkling candlesJust a couple moments ago, we gathered the entire family upstairs in the dining room and my uncle bought out the cake he bought for her. He actually had to stop playing the new COD game, or whatever new shooting game just came out just for his wife. He smiled a lot, and then we lit the sparkling candles up. The candles came in many different colors; pink, green, blue, and even a mixture of colors stripped! 

"Youth Blowing out Birthday candles"
The moment came, and the happy birthday song begun. Everyone was smiling, and singing happy birthday regardless of what conflicts have been going on the family. For just that moment, I felt happy that everyone was smiling, so I smiled too. At that very moment, I knew everyone was focused on the cake, and the singing. Though not vocally talented in singing, I sang along too. We took pictures together as a whole, and the candles were acting up. It took several, more than 8 blows to knock those candles out. See, I even had to help blow out the candles but the candles that we got were "special," in the way that it never went out! You could keep on blowing, and it would stay "unlit" for a while, and then start the flames up again. It was an amazing sight, because the lights were off in the entire house and all you could see was the sparks from the candles. Oh yeah, my uncle bought 20 candles as a joke. I was like to my aunt, "You're turning 20 today right?" Hahah. Before you knew it, the candles went out and we were all clapping. Alllll smiles.

Cheese Cake de arĂ¡ndanos

The birthday was a success. The cake was delicious. It was a four type cheese cake from Safeway - a store on the other side of town. The cake was divided into strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla, along with coconut. I chose to eat the strawberry slice, and my aunt chose the chocolate. My cousin Emily chose the Strawberry, Andrew chose the chocolate, and Robin the vanilla. Emily and I were the only ones that picked strawberry so we gave each other high-fives. 

I sat there eating my cake anxiously taking and actually "eating" each bite. The strawberries from within collided with my mouth, and created a SUPER delicious feeling. Everyone else was devouring their cake, as we do not get to eat sweets as often. For just that moment, everyone was eating, talking, and getting along with each other. That was enough to make me smile, and I will make sure that my family that I raise in the future will be great.

I felt at ease, happy, and learned that without struggle, there would be no happiness and appreciation. Even though my aunt can be a total butt sometimes, I'm going to look past that as she was raised differently. I know that she cares about me, as any human would knowing how I was raised with no dad, a mom that abandoned me and chose her boyfriend(s) over her children, and other misc. information. She may not be a perfect person, and may anger me at times, but I accept that. She might be my aunt in law, but she is still family. She makes my uncle happy, and their marriage has been successful in the way that things are going so far. Just think about it, three kids, a house, a boat, and everything that they could ever ask for. As long as their marriage remains filled with smiles, then I'm happy too because my uncle is happy.


Two minds can collide like an asteroid going hundreds of miles per hour towards earth, but in the end - what matters is your willingness to put up with the differences as life doesn't always go the way you want it to. You cannot control people's personalities, but you can definitely maneuver your mind in such a way that you think positively.. There's my two cents for tonight.

Good night,

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