Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Rather than celebrating by burning fireworks, I think this year we'll save money by not burning them. I spent my 4th at the city park, well only for a little while. It was unbelievably packed with families. There's a local fish hatchery next by so we sat down on the bench to feed the fish. We got to take a nice stroll around - the atmosphere was great and relaxing with the families sitting down having their picnics (which I was suppose to have but it was way too hot to stay in one place for my grandpa.) Freedom isn't free. While you guys are out there burning things, remember the true meaning behind this holiday. Proud to live in a country that has many "rights," that other countries don't compare to. I wouldn't last a minute in my country knowing how oppressive it could it and access to water or food was sparse, if not very limited.

God bless America.


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