Friday, June 24, 2011

Victory in New York

Coming home from work, and helping my aunt cook dinner I anxiously check my twitter and also CNN to look at the news. As you might (or might not have known), New York was to vote on same sex marriage tonight. Same sex marriage is legalized in New York. The governor just signed the bill which will give us the right to marry within 30 days. Instantly expressed my happiness on twitter, facebook, and now I'm writing it out on blogspot haha.

I linked the CNN article there which should be updated as things progress. There's a lot of hateful comments as well as supportive ones on the CNN article that I linked above.

Here are some that I saw that stood out.. :
"Two men getting married, or two women getting married, has no effect me. If it has an effect on you, you have more problems than you think."
"the gays are all sick minded and unable to relate to the opposite sex - this gross lifestyle is the cause of AIDS and it is the taxpayer who will get to pay for their medical care for a sick sick lifestly!!!!  This has nothing to do with government and they are way over the top voting on this trash!"
Wow.. DADT repealed, Bin Laden dead, same sex marriage, lots of big things happening this year..

I'm EXTREMELYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HAPPPY inside. Even though I don't live in NY, I can see this as the early stages of federal marriage rights for GBLT people. Starting with state level, and then moving on to the fed. level. Even though there's still a lot to be done, it's a sign that the U.S. in general is progressing towards marriage equality for the GBLT community. It's a hot topic and debate between the two sides. 

Knowing New York, being Republican controlled is a great thing because this, indeed, will cause a national impact if it hasn't already. I'm shocked that the bill made it to the Senate. I'm very happy, because this is history in the making. I'm apart of it, the battle that we all have to go through everyday concerning the right to marry. 

Some might say that gay's don't deserve special rights just for being gay. But in reality, marriage is a universal thing. The right to marry is a universal human right. It's love, between two people. And that's all that matters..

"I didn't chose to be gay. Gay chose me."

(Yeah I got that from @luanlegacy from one of his youtube videos.)

"Kelsey Grammer can end a 15yr marriage by phone, Larry King is on divorce #9, Britney Spears had ...a 55hr marriage, Jesse James & Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE, 53% of Americans get divorced and 30-60% cheat on their spouses. Yet, same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post if you find this ironic."


1 comment:

  1. The news has made it to Malta to and most of the LGBT community here is very happy to hear about NY legalizing gay marriage!! Unfortunately in Malta, gay marriage is only but a dream. Cohabitation laws for heterosexuals are still nonexistent. Divorce has also just been legalized and the it was a 54% win. Which shows that the Maltese mentality is still quite conversationalist. The church still has a lot of influence on the Maltese population, especially the older generations and I as one gay MP stated: "it would be ridiculous to consider gay marriage at this point in time in Maltese history"!!

    Another thing which really find difficult to digest is the fact that there are still some people out there using the natural argument. I mean seriously?! We are in reality animals, and homosexuality has been observed in about 1,500 other animal species! And if homosexuality is unnatural, what about medicine?? As if surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are natural!! But nobody would argue that right? Because life is so precious that we would do anything within our power to preserve it. Isn't love also precious? Doesn't love deserve to be recognized by the state and preserved? But of course these people don't know what the true meaning of love is. If they could, they would stop and think things through. They would realize that love is beyond sex. Beyond gender, age,religion, and race!

    But anyway!!

    Two thumbs up for New York!!

    Hope that you are keeping well my friend!!


