Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February update

Good evening fellas! 

How has everyone been doing in life? I missed you guys just as much as you guys missed me (kidding!). It's been a long time since I last blogged I honestly don't remember what was the last thing I wrote. I'm getting more horrible at writing posts because my life has been - *beeeee-zeee* (can you hear the bee's flying around? No I'm not crazy!)

I will just mention a couple things happening in my life right now because every knowing every single detail of my life would probably bore you as much as it would be torture to my fingers typing it all out. First of all, I've been keeping busy with work. Working extra full time and doing things around the house keeps me busy. My cousins keeps me on my toes too, and it's a lot of work to live here with my aunt in law and her family. Hard work will pay off though because you know what? I'm headed to school in AUGUST. I probably said this a million times but AUGUST cannot come any sooner. I can't wait to start and live in the dorms. 

With that being said, every single thing I am doing right now is having an effect on my future rather. Working full time and getting a pay check means I will be able to save up for school. What headache will it be to know that you won't have enough money for XYZABCD when the time comes? I know I'm going to be broke when I start school, but who isn't broke in college? I'm also thinking I should keep a tight budget each week; for food, entertainment, gas, insurance, and a little left over. That's a lot of planning but it will do me wonders when I start school. Orientation is set for June and I'm signed up for the first session.

I get to meet my roommate that day too AND also orientation will be a total of TWO days. Over night stays at the dorms is also preferred and offered too so I am excited about that. I'm going to be surrounded by people my age, and living on my own for the first time. This will be the first time I will be far away from family. Wooaah.. it feels like I'm growing up and being a "big boy" now haha. Literally, I will be 350 miles away from my nearest family member. The thought of that sounds frightening at first, but we all have to grow up and become accustomed to changes at one point or another of your life. It's not like you need to be around family all the time anyways, they are just a phone call away. I guess I am at that one point of my life where I want to go explore the world, and live on my own - be productive yet becoming something in life. I'm really excited just to be living on campus because I know I won't be distracted. 

My whole life depends on these 4 years, and I know I will make the most of it. I already have a buddy that's going to the school - his name is Elliott! Isn't that weird? He's in a fraternity called SIGEP, AND he said I should join. It's not like a drinking frat from what I hear, but we'll see my options when I start school. I'm def. not going to be a hermit, because in all honesty I'm completely comfortable with the idea of establishing friendships which might be valuable to me in the future. I hear stories of these college grads from work going to their friend's weddings in FL and other parts of the countries. Mind you, these were the friends they met in college. I can't wait :))

I've been keeping my head pretty busy too with a couple of textbooks that I've ordered. These textbooks are: microbiology, medical terminology, sociology, and my english textbook/manual thingy. I'm taking notes and so on so everything will come more easily for me. 

Over all, my mentality has improved over the past few months. There were a lot of downs that I had, but I realize that I always find a way to pick myself back up. After all.. who else is going to stand up for you in this life? You gotta stand on your own two feet to find success. After finding success, you'd be respected by many, and your soul will thank you.,

I'm off to sleep now. It's blizzard-ing (is that even a word?) outside right now, and I have work tomorrow as usual. Talk to you guys soon.
