Monday, August 29, 2011

ALL smiles!

What's up guys?!

It's been forever! Some of you may have been "Where'd Anthony go?!" Well, I'm not dead (yet) and I'm still ALIVE! The past few weeks have been hetic and extremely extremely busy juggling everything. I'll jus say that I've had no social life whatsoever. 

I'm not sure where I left off. So I'll just write.. I've been going to nail school these past weeks to get my nail tech license. This will support me through school and that's what exactly is planned. I'll be working with my uncle at his business. I go Tuesday - Sat 7am-4:30pm with work right after so at the end of the day I'm pretty drained. Doing pedicures, nails, and such is tiring but you know what they say...

"Work hard now; play later"

I only have two more weeks of waking up at 6 every day then it won't be so bad. I get my temporary license after I finish so that's a start. I take the state boards in October.. so I'm really praying because there's a lot of pressure to me getting this license. Everyone is looking at me and expect a license so it's nerve racking. If I don't pass the boards.. I think I'll end up getting "board-ed" by my aunt if that makes any sense.. lol.

I love my school tho. The girls are around my age. 19-25 is a huge age group so we all have a blast. We do stupid stuff and laugh at each other, I made a whole lotta friends there with the cosmetology kids who outnumber the nail tech class (the one i'm in). Our break room is really gay friendly.. as there are a bunch of rainbow things around. (they did these for the senior project, well the past kids who already "graduated"). You should hear what we talk about back there.. from pregnancy to sex and men, we cover it all. lol.

There's these jumbled up words that are on the fridge.. they're like magnets with words on them and we play with them so much. Love them cause some days someone changes and makes up weird stuff. For example, this was what i did with wendy, the other chick in my class.

 You can see why I don't have a social life outside school. As much as I like to talk to have phone dates with my buddies, that is hard to do with the schedule I have now. I work on Monday too! Sooo.. sunday's are basically my off days. We usually go do errands or hit up the city on sundays. 

It's been very adventurous.. fun fun fun.

We went boating a couple times and fishing. The drive to the lake is about an hour away and it's near Mt. Rushmore (we went there too cause we had some of my aunt in law's family come over). I love boating 'cause when you're on the waters.. you have everything to yourself. Feels like you're just riding on the water cause htat's what you're doing. We have a pretty hot ride too that fits up to 8 people. It's funny cause when we go fishing, we gotta drop off half the family at the dock and the other half is standing on the edge of the lake fishing.. it takes two roads to get us all but the kids aren't too fancy about fishing.

I'm horrible at fishing though (at times). It just depends on my luck.. there were a couple times I was standing on the edge to throw my fishing pole.. well not throw (that wouldn't be good) I think it's called - casting my rod? But yeah, I threw the fishing line out to the lake to catch some fish.. and knowing my luck it hooks onto the forest tree's nearby. It hooked around a branch and into the leaves! My whole entire family was laughing at me because that's the first anyone's ever done that.. There's no fish up there I'm sure! Maybe I could of caught some birds.. but we needed fish! I should of taken a darn picture but it started raining. I used a grocery bag to cover my hair (nice, right?) so that was a nice umbrella haha. 

The other times we went fishing, I would catch at least 5 fish. I think the fish were blue gill fish, lots of bones. See, we catch fish to eat them but I like catching them for fun. The anxiety and anticipation is more fun than eating the fish. 

Here are some pics:

Our sexy boat.. this was the first time we took it out this summer so it was a bit dirty @ at the car wash place. His truck is so fun to drive, I think I'm gonna get a car like this when I have the money.. in the future. But his boat is amazing driving too, it's a different experience on water and everyone needs to go boating at least once in their life.

Putting our boat in the water. The dock was over filled and the water was really high for this time of year. Took forever to get it in the water because there was a huge line of people wanting to go boating. And to add the fact that it was Saturday.. 

Nice view isn't it? It's much more beautiful in person.
 This picture was taken sometime in the late afternoon as you can tell by the lighting. There's a lot of bald eagles flying around. Pretty awesome to see our national "animal" fly around. We have a few nests at the park in our city too.

We went to Mt. Rushmore once so far. It's a long drive up hill and you can see the Badlands and flat hills once you're on top. It's a nice scenery and the little place to eat there is awesome. Portraits of the Presidents, and awesome food. Ate buffalo beef for the first time with some kind of potato and carrot stew, delicious! 

A random pic.. I saw this truck parked at Mt. Rushmore and I liked it. It was a huge truck tho. Super heavy duty. Liked the design and truck itself but I would probably look like a little kid driving this thing.

This is in our city. I was on the way home from going to the park and saw this wonderful scenery. I saw other peeps around take pictures and this was something you see often because back door is what we call "The Black Hills" of South Dakota.

Don't have much time to write anymore, cause I'm about to go pick up the kids from school (they started school already - wow summer went by fast!! Gonna be winter before you know it..).. 

I'm saving this for last... I GOT ACCEPTED TO SDSU! I'll be a jackrabbit! I'm starting next Spring and will be dorming. It's 600 miles away across the state.. so living on campus will be a different experience and I'm absolutely positively excited. I'm gonna be focused now and have my eyes set on becoming an RN (future NP tho!)

Here's my acceptance letter.. you can see that I was already excited when I saw "congratulations."

Until then..